(continued from Copy Rates)

Allocations - Introduction

The Tourplan Allocations module enables Allocations to be added, changed and deleted.

Allocations may also be known as Inventory, Block and Allotments.

While the allocations module is most often used for Hotel rooms it may also be used it to store allocations of any other service for which ‘stock’ is held e.g. seats on a coach, train or aircraft.

The allocations module only stores quantities and not specific room, seat or cabin numbers.

Allocations may be stored against a supplier or against one or more Database service options for a supplier.

Allocations are linked to the Fastbook & GroupBook modules so that availability can be viewed and optionally taken from the allocation during the booking process.

Using the Allocation Splits (Sub-Allocations), multiple allocations are able to be created. These ‘sub’ allocations can be given to specific agents (or a number of agents) as their ‘own’ allocation if required. e.g., an allocation can be held on behalf of an agent.

Facilities are also provided to report availability for each allocation and release unused allocations back to suppliers.

(continued in Allocation Splits (Sub Allocations))